The short answer is: Yes.

Did you click on this article thinking that your favored candidate is fighting for the Light, and now evil has gained a foothold because your candidate lost? Are you thinking that your favored candidate is fighting for the Light, and now evil has been dealt a crushing blow because your candidate won?
Have you found yourself saying disparaging things, or thinking disparaging thoughts, about the "other" side and people who vote differently than you?
That's where Satan lives. He is not on the Right or the Left side of politics. He is there in between, feeding on fear, despair, anger. Each side has convinced their followers that they are the Light. And Satan loves that. He revels in humans who stand staunchly, ferociously on one side, who are bewildered or enraged by the other side.
When you say, "We are right, and THEY are wrong," he grows. When you say, "My side is fighting the good fight and the other side are idiots/evildoers," he grows. When you close your ears to people who vote differently than you, he grows.
Satan is an energy that expands and contracts all the time, and we can feed him or starve him with our words, actions, and thoughts.
Love your neighbor. No matter what. If you know someone who voted the other way and you can't stand their point of view, send them a gift. Do it anonymously if you prefer. Wish them well. Forgive them for not being what you want them to be. Pray for them.
Catch yourself when you are "othering" on social media or in conversation. Forgive yourself and put a stop to it immediately. In doing so, YOU are fighting the good fight, and YOU are bringing the Light.

God is love! Unconditional love.
Wishing you sound body, sound mind, sound spirit,